Quaker Values

Our Quaker "SPICES"

The following testimonies or Quaker values – commonly referred to as the “SPICES” – are central to the CFS mission, inform how we approach the education of our students, and guide everything we do.


The Quaker Testimony of Simplicity reminds us to live wisely and stresses the integrity and development of one’s mind, body, and spirit. In an increasingly busy and materialistic world filled with external stimulation, we all need space and time to discern what is truly important in our lives. Everyone is encouraged to diminish the stress which comes from unbridled acquisition and having to take care of things we don’t really need.



Quakers oppose all wars and the violence of oppression. Although disagreement and conflict are inevitable in any group, we work to achieve understanding through respectful dialogue and understanding. Waging peace is sometimes risky; we need skills and resources to be able to effectively demonstrate an alternative to violence.



Integrity means being truthful and always trying to do our very best. We say what we mean and mean what we say, without exaggeration and without attitudes of superiority. We acknowledge our mistakes, seeking to use them as tools as a learning experience. We treat others in ways which honor their integrity as well.



We strive to be a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive community in which everyone—students, teachers, staff, and families—feels respected and affirmed. We acknowledge and honor our differences, weaving a tapestry of many colors and shapes.



Quakers believe in the equality of all people. The belief that everyone has “the Light within” has led Quakers to work for peace, prison reform, humane care for the mentally ill, civil rights, and economic justice around the world. In our daily interactions, we work as equals to become a community which welcomes the perspectives of everyone, respects the worth of each individual, and values the collective power and wisdom of the group.



We need to take care of the things we use and own as well as each other. We believe in leaving the world a better place than we found it. Wasteful use of resources harms everyone in the long run.

Cambridge Friends Faith and Practice


For a more detailed description of Quaker values as practiced at Cambridge Friends School, see our own version of Faith and Practice, developed over many decades.


The ideals articulated in this Faith and Practice reflect an approach to learning that seeks to integrate Quaker principles with the academic and communal life of the School and with the intellectual, psychological, and spiritual growth of each child and the manner in which we all strive to relate to each other.


The faculty, staff, administrators and members of the Board of Trustees ask your help – your wisdom, your skills, your spirit — to keep these ideals at the center of life in our community.


To learn more about Quaker issues and viewpoints, here are some videos produced on a bi-weekly basis by: www.quakerspeak.com

Mission And Quaker Education: Philosophy & Practice

The mission of Cambridge Friends School – an independent school in Cambridge, Massachusetts –  is to provide an outstanding education. At Cambridge Friends you will find education guided by Quaker values – we are an independent school that engages students in meaningful academic learning within a caring community, strongly committed to social justice. We expect all students to develop their intellectual, physical, creative, and spiritual potential and, through the example of their lives, to challenge oppression and contribute to justice and understanding in the world.


As part of our commitment to social justice, we are engaged in building a community which actively works against racism and homophobia, and we seek students and staff from a diverse range of family structures and racial, cultural, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds. Our community tries to go beyond mere tolerance to address issues of bias and privilege more deeply.

A Cambridge Friends School Education…

Is Rooted In Academic Excellence


Quakers believe that we should seek truth in every situation. That belief results in a robust academic education at Cambridge Friends School. Students are taught to think critically, to question the world around them, and to dive deeply into topics of interest. Students gain not only a breadth and depth of knowledge, but also the skills to research, write, and communicate that knowledge. Quaker pedagogy is explorative and experiential rather than declarative. Learning is not memorizing a list of absolutes. A teacher may respond to a student’s question with an inviting question in order to aid the student to find the answer for themselves. It is also interdisciplinary, looking at familiar things from new perspectives and noticing the connections.

Sees The Light In Each And Every Student

Quakers also believe that every person has an Inner Light, “that of God,” the Inner Teacher, within them and therefore each person provides something of value to the community. At Cambridge Friends School, each student is celebrated for their individual identity, and each person is respected for who they are and where they have come from. Children are taught to discover and respect their own gifts which are unique to themselves and the gifts and differences of others.

Is Centered In Social Justice

Cambridge Friends School is committed to being a community which actively challenges racism. This goal, which contributes to academic excellence, encourages students to work for racial justice and sets the standard of equality for all students.


The School is also committed to appreciating and celebrating the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and non-binary (LGBTQ+) people, while educating children about the serious problems posed by homophobic fears and prejudice and assumptions of heterosexuality and gender identity. We work to create an environment which encourages all members of our community to be themselves openly, comfortably, and with full equality.


We also work to educate people about the importance of being allies to others who experience bias because of race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.

Is Grounded In Thoughtful Pedagogy

Cambridge Friends School is intentional about not only what we teach, but the way in which we teach it. Drawing on educational best practices and backed by research, our curriculum is purposefully designed to meet the academic, social/emotional, and developmental needs of each child. From the words we use when helping students mediate social conflict, to the posters on the walls, to the hands-on projects which accompany each new idea or unit, the ways in which we teach are just as important as the lessons themselves. Students learn a unique kind of collaboration, which is more productive than competition. Students and teachers alike share their truth, knowing that others may improve upon it. The ground needs to be properly prepared for the seeds to sprout.

FAQs about Quaker Education

How do Quaker values influence the curriculum?

Quaker schools have distinguished themselves by providing strong academic programs and through their commitment to recognizing the worth of each individual. Quaker education emphasizes critical thinking skills, in which each person’s unique insights contribute to a collective learning. Students who graduate from a Quaker school walk away with a strong sense of self. They are better prepared to deal with adversity and they understand the need to promote harmony in their quest for knowledge. Students are challenged to develop inner resources for discipline and achievement. Each student’s gifts and talents are honored.


At Cambridge Friends, the Quaker values of peace, community, social justice, nonviolent conflict resolution, and tolerance and respect for all people are part of every school day. There is no direct religious instruction at the school; rather, it is a place of lived values.


How are Quaker values incorporated into daily school life?

You will find the values of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equity, and stewardship as discussion topics in any classroom you visit at Cambridge Friends School, from science to math to humanities – even gym class. Students may start a time of reflection with a quote about a particular Quaker value, and include them in a presentation at an assembly.  But you will also find Quaker values practiced in how the school day unfolds, in how teachers interact with students, in every aspect of the school. 


Do students need to be Quakers to attend Cambridge Friends School?

While Cambridge Friends is a Quaker school, many of our families are not Quaker but appreciate the values and inquiry-based approach to learning that a Quaker school delivers. People of all faiths are welcome at CFS, and many are represented in our faculty, staff, student body and Board of Trustees.


How do Quaker schools handle diversity and inclusivity?

In keeping with our foundational Quaker values, our teachers see the “inner light” of each child, engage with them individually, and meet them where they are. This means we know our students, respect them as members of their family and culture, and design experiences that are meaningful for them as individuals and will help them make progress in their development and learning. At Cambridge Friends School, we support affinity circles and alliance groups that aim to recognize, affirm, and nurture the diverse and often intersectional identities of our students and their families.


How do Quaker schools approach discipline?

We work together in community to resolve disagreements, using restorative practices to repair harm and rebuild relationships. In every day, we help students learn how to make a friend and be a friend, share their ideas, listen to others, to speak up about injustice, and be an ethical person. As opportunities arise throughout the day, our teachers take the time to work with the students – as a group, or individually as appropriate – to encourage learning and growth.