Grade 1 Online Curriculum
First-grade students attend dedicated online math lessons via Zoom three times per week. Implementing TERC Investigations® at the core of our math program, students continue to learn about whole numbers and operations, geometry, patterns and functions, data collection and analysis, and measurement. Instruction is offered synchronously and remains differentiated, with Google Classroom as the platform to access lesson plans and assignments. Using workbooks at home, students upload or scan completed materials for review and feedback.
Students meet one-on-one with their teacher via Zoom for synchronous learning once a week while also accessing assignments posted in Google Classroom. Students continue to learn phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics, and spelling skills through the Wilson Language Fundations® program. In Google Classroom, teacher-led prompts encourage communicating through writing and drawing, while posted assignments reinforce strategies for decoding printed words and building a foundation for reading and spelling. First-graders have done a lot of poetry and story writing this spring. Students also utilize Raz-Kids to access leveled e-books for reading practice. Students are assigned books to listen to, read, and/or record themselves reading.
In first-grade science, students have embarked on their seed curriculum. Joining Zoom sessions with the Lower School science teacher and following instructions provided in Google Classroom, students have been studying seeds and fruits, learning about seed germination, and methods of seed dispersal. Students were sent home with kits containing seeds for planting, and have been documenting and charting the growth and development of their plants.
Some of the concepts explored in art include recognizing colors, shapes, and patterns, identifying textures, and becoming familiar with the properties of particular materials. Using a combination of online lessons and Google Classroom, students view instructional videos, access posted assignments, and create their masterpieces at home. Projects have included paper weaving, collages, and bubble prints using materials that were mailed from school or found around the home.
Physical Education
Students have been accessing age-appropriate exercise videos and suggested activities via Google Classroom. Online learning provides students with resources to promote independence, remain active, and maintain overall health and wellness during this challenging transition. Gross-motor activities, dance, fitness routines, agility activities, yoga, mindful breathing exercises, dance, backyard games, jump rope, shadow boxing, games, and wellness videos encourage students to think creatively about movement and wellness options during this time. Students have been excited about sharing the many ways they continue to remain active both independently and with their families on the Google stream.
In Google Classroom, students explore music technology with posted assignments utilizing Chrome Music Lab. They also access audio files of song tales to encourage listening and continue introducing students to instruments. Expressive movement is taught through videos posted and instructions for students to listen and then move along. Performances such as Circle Round with the Boston Symphony Orchestra are also shared for students to listen and reflect.