“The transition by CFS to online learning was nothing short of exceptional. The teachers embraced the new way of teaching, maintained rigor, and continued to weave Quaker values into the student experience. We know of no other school – public or private – that has done as good a job as CFS.”
~ Christine Hayes & David Lewis, CFS Parents ‘25
CFS made the conscientious decision to close the School on March 12 for the safety of its students, families, faculty, and staff. Pivoting from interpersonal to remote learning prior to many of our counterparts (both private and public schools), CFS was already implementing its online learning program when school closures were being mandated.
Staying ahead of the curve – and in an effort to help flatten the curve – CFS made the commitment to continue delivering our demanding and differentiated curriculum online. Every teacher and every subject including art, drama, music, math, science, and physical education swiftly and successfully transitioned to virtual classrooms. Even the afterschool programs began thriving in new ways from Zoom music lessons to passion projects and academic support being provided by XD teachers. Keeping students engaged and connected, Morning Meetings, Meeting for Worship, and other community events took an online approach using Google Classroom and Zoom.
CFS faculty and staff continue to re-evaluate our remote teaching methods, learning tools, schedules, and programs in order to deliver our unique curriculum and meet the needs of our students and families. Thanks to such incredible efforts, Cambridge Friends School students are moving forward with their education and staying on track. Our eighth-graders will graduate ready for everything high school has to offer – including Honors and AP classes – and every student in every class will be ready to move up a grade level at the end of the year.
Although COVID-19 has presented many challenges, the dedication, resilience, flexibility, and leadership of our faculty and staff has resulted in many positive outcomes, as you will see on this page. Such unprecedented times have met with unmatched online educational programming at CFS. We are all in this together, and we are all proud to be #StillLearning.