
CFS Reopens!

Cambridge Friends School opened its doors to just over 90% of its students for in-person learning on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. With less than 10% of students joining remotely, some faculty are streaming their classes to accommodate the needs of the community.


After mandatory school closures nearly six months ago due to COVID-19, CFS worked tirelessly to prepare for a safe in-person reopening, in addition to alternative options. New furniture and equipment was purchased, teachers set up their classrooms to comply with the School’s 6’ distancing requirements, the HVAC system was updated so that 100% fresh air is being delivered to every classroom, tents were assembled outdoors, ventilation units installed, and numerous other plans were implemented. To learn more about CFS’ reopening plans, click here.


The first week of school entailed three half days to provide a smooth transition back into school. This plan was intended to give students and teachers time to reacclimate, learn and discuss the new protocols and procedures, practice any transitions, become familiar with new classrooms, spend time meeting new students and building community, and setting a good foundation for success for the remainder of the school year. The half-day schedule also allowed for CFS faculty and staff to reflect on and review each day in an effort to continue to update and improve upon current policies, procedures, and protocols. 


Now offering small class sizes with a student to teacher ratio of 7:1, the School has seen an 8.8% increase in enrollment for school year 2020-2021. Furthermore, 42.65% of the School has been issued financial aid, totaling $1,014,112. CFS remains dedicated to its mission and will continue its critical work in cultivating critical thinkers and inspiring compassionate leaders.